January 14, 2014

A Joyous Adye (Goodbye) for Ms. Keri!

Haiti Children Volunteers

 It was a special night of farewell and celebration for Ms. Keri Fjeldberg as the tight-knit staff wished her well on her return to Norway after four productive months assisting the Center of Hope- Haiti as an outstanding volunteer and caregiver! After many hours of cooking and chatting in the kitchen, the evening festivities and thanks were initiated by Wisney Geffrard as he said his "adye" on behalf of the team at the COHH, yet hoping it to be more of an "a bientot" (see you soon). The evening of gratitude for Keri's hard work and dedication continued with gifts presented to her by Ms. Lozette's second grade class and Ms. Darling's first grade class, as well as a card signed by all the staff members to go along with a beautiful artisanal frame from the team. Speeches, hugs, and smiles were shared before beginning a wonderful evening meal and special pineapple upside-down cake especially prepared by Mrs. Geffrard.  The packed and noisy room filledwith staff members, family, and children celebrated with laughter and singing, knowing that a member of their team and family would be greatly missed, however always in their hearts! Keri has been a volunteer at COHH twice since 2011 and will surely come back later this year to check on her two orphans Elbison and Stanley, to whom she became a second mother- we all hope to see you back here soon Keri! All the best on your trip back to Norway! In the meantime, classes have started back up again and we are planning on including English in the curriculum, as well as bringing back the Friday movie night and sports on Saturdays- here's to an exciting and productive 2014! -the COHH team